25 July 2007

2 new cities on the UNESCO List

Québec, Canada, July 25, 2007. Gathered in Christchurch, New Zealand, the World Heritage Committee inscribed 2 new cities on the UNESCO List, which have within their boundaries listed Word Heritage Sites. "It is a great honour as well as a great privilege to welcome new members in the large family of World Heritage Cities; each and every one of those cities and towns bear such an exceptional value that its preservation is now a matter of concern to the whole world; they are treasures that enrich our collective memory and new places for everyone to visit and discover" said Mrs. Lee Minaidis, the Interim Secretary General of the Organization.

The new members are:

Bordeaux, Port of the Moon (France) is inscribed as an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble of the Age of Enlightenment featuring innovative classical and neo-classical trends that translate into exceptional urban and architectural unity and coherence.

Old Town of Corfu (Greece) on the Island of Corfu, with its three Venetian forts and neo-classical housing was inscribed as a fortified Mediterranean port town of high integrity and authenticity.