27 October 2009

Warsaw, the first city to receive the Jean-Paul L’Allier Heritage Prize

Warsaw, Poland

The City of Warsaw, Poland was honored at the Opening Ceremony of the X World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) held in Quito, Ecuador from September 8 to 11, 2009. The City of Warsaw was the winner of the Jean-Paul L’Allier Heritage Prize. It was distinguished for its lighting project of illuminating the walls of its historic center. The Secretary General of the OWHC, Mr. Denis Ricard, emphasized that this simple and accessible project had the merit of solving security problems and allowed the recovery of premises by the community.

Thirteen other cities that had also submitted their candidacies were: Arequipa, Peru; Budapest, Hungary; Caceres,Spain; Cracow,Poland; Edinburgh,United Kingdom; Havana, Cuba; Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Nancy, France; Porto, Portugal; Stralsund, Germany; Sousse and Tunis, Tunisia and Vilnius,Lithuania.

The jury was composed of: Mrs. Benedicte Selfslagh, Secretary General of ICOMOS; Mr. Ron Van Oers, Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre’s Cities Programme; Mrs. Regina Wiala-Zimm, Chief Executive of International Relations of the City of Vienna, Austria and member city of the Board of Directors of the OWHC; Mr.Bruno Delas, Director of the Historic Site of Lyon, France and member city of the Board of the OWHC and Mr. Denis Ricard, Secretary General of the OWHC.

The Jean-Paul L’Allier Heritage Prize was created in honor of the founding President of the OWHC, an international organization whose headquarters are in Quebec City, Canada. The Mayor of Quebec City from 1989 to 2005, Mr. Jean-Paul L’Allier demonstrated that he had at heart the cultural development and heritage of Quebec City. A strong leader, he promoted the uniting of all World Heritage Cities with the creation of the OWHC.

Congratulations to the City of Warsaw and its Mayor, Ms Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz.


Lighting project of illuminating the walls of Warsaw Historic Center
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Lighting project of illuminating the walls of Warsaw Historic Center
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Lighting project of illuminating the walls of Warsaw Historic Center
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Lighting project of illuminating the walls of Warsaw Historic Center
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Lighting project of illuminating the walls of Warsaw Historic Center
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