8 June 2010

The Jean-Paul L’Allier Prize for Heritage – 2011 Edition

Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage – 2011 Edition


This prize is awarded every second year by the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) to a city that is a member in good standing of the OWHC, and that has distinguished itself by its achievement toward conservation, enhancement or management of property inscribed on the World Heritage List, and that is located on its territory.



To participate in this context, the cities that are members in good standing of the OWHC must have paid annually their contribution in the last three years. A city that has been on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List for less than three years may also register for this international contest, as long as it has paid its contribution annually to the OWHC since it has been recognize by UNESCO. 


Achievements evaluated

The purpose of the prize is to recognize and to reward an achievement or number of achievements of a city that is a member of the OWHC, in terms of conservation, enhancement or management of property inscribed on the World Heritage List, and that is located on the territory of the candidate city.

The achievement must have been implemented directly by the candidate city or by a person or a body that is supported, directed or influenced by the candidate city. If the achievement was not implemented directly by the candidate city, the latter’s participation must have been significant in this implementation. 


Candidacy file 

The candidacy file has to be transmitted by email to the Secretariat of the OWHC ([email protected]). The font mus be Arial 10. The file must contain the following in this implementation:

  • An executive summary of no more than five pages that presents the achievement that would deserve to obtain the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage. This summary must be signed by the mayor. It may be accompanied by no more than five images transmissible by Internet only.
  • The form entitled Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage 2011 edition, duly completed. You can download the form by clicking here.

If the candidacy file submitted does not meet the criteria, the candidacy will be considered ineligible for the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage. No additional document will be analyzed by the jury. 


Jury criteria

The candidacies will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • the exemplary nature of the project for the conservation of heritage;
  • the impact of the project on the property inscribed in the World Heritage List;
  • the involvement with the partners in the community and the partnership development process;
  • the tangible impact on the community;
  • the pedagogical effect of the project, its educational and enrichment value for the international community.
  • the cross-cutting effect of the project and its breadth on the social and community level, and others.


Jury members

The Board of Directors of the OWHC must form an international jury, the members of which must not have submitted their candidacies to obtain the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage.


The Prize

The mayor or his representative will be guests of honor of the OWHC at the Congress: transportation, lodging and meal expenses as well as the registration fees will be assumed by the OWHC.

An honorary certificate will be awarded to the mayor of the winning city or to his representative at the OWHC World Congress.

The winning city and its project will benefit from a worldwide promotion ont he Web site of the OWHC.

An interview with the mayor of the winning city will be broadcasted on the Web site of the OWHC.

Présentation des villes candidates lors du Congrès mondial de l’OVPM

Les villes seront invitées à présenter leur projet soumis pour l’obtention du prix Jean-Paul-L’Allier lors de la session des affiches qui se tiendra le mercredi 9 novembre 2011.

General provisions

The candidate cities that are not awarded the prize may submit their candidacy the following years.

There is no limit as to the number of times that a candidacy can be submitted.

The OWHC reserves the right not to award the prize for a given year.



  • August 31, 2011:  Deadline for the presentation of the candidacies of the cities to the OWHC.

  • September and October 2011:  Study of the candidacies by the international jury.

  • November 8, 2011: The Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage is awarded at the opening ceremony of the 11th World Congress of the OWHC in Sintra, Portugal.