7 December 2011
City of Regensburg accepts responsibility for the OWHC Regional Secretariat Northwest Europe
Regensburg, Germany

On the 21st of November the OWHC´s Board of Directors decided to entrust the City of Regensburg with the management of the Regional Secretariat for North West Europe. Regensburg had applied for the Secretariat during a preliminary meeting on September the 30th 2011.
“Regensburg´s constant efforts to become Regional Secretariat are the result of the strong conviction, that there are more chances and opportunities in the working fields of the regional network than those taken so far”, explains Regensburg`s Mayor Hans Schaidinger. Very soon it was also approved by the other member cities, that Regensburg was a qualified candidate, Schaidinger adds.
Especially the detailed and strategic application lead to a broad acceptance among the region´s member cities. Various reasons were taken into account: Regensburg always followed an integrated approach in all its networking activities to incorporate as many stakeholders as possible. World Heritage Coordinator of the City of Regensburg and now OWHC Regional Coordinator Matthias Ripp gives background information:” Especially our experiences during the preparation process of the World Heritage Management Plan including intensive civic participation and the encouraging feedback we got for our EU-project HerO motivated us to the application.”
For further information please visit www.welterbe-regensburg.de
Please click here to dowload the complete Press release of the City of Regensburg.
Picture: OWHC Secretary General Mr. Denis Ricard and Regensburg´s Mayor Hans Schaidinger
Credit: City of Regensburg
Contact details of the World Heritage Coordination Office, City of Regensburg:
Mr. Matthias Ripp OWHC Regional Coordinator Planning and Building Division D.-Martin-Luther-Straße 1 93047 Regensburg Phone: +49/941/507-4611 ripp.matthias@regensburg.de Ms. Susanne Hauer OWHC Regional Secretariat /Project Manager PR Planning and Building Division D.-Martin-Luther-Straße 1 93047 Regensburg Phone: +49/941/507-4618 hauer.susanne@regensburg.de