14 August 2012

The On the Way to Oaxaca workshop – Selection process of the host city

The Organization of World Heritage Cities is proud to launch its brand new workshop project entitled On the Way to Oaxaca. This workshop, which will be held in May or June 2013, will focus on the theme of heritage management related to sustainable development.  This workshop is very important within our organization, as it will precede and contribute to the preparation of the 12th World Congress that will take place in Oaxaca de Júarez, Mexico, from November 19 to 22, 2013. The workshop will then make it possible for the members of the OWHC to share their expertise and to exchange information on this theme that is directly linked to that of the next World Congress of the OWHC: “Heritage Cities, Sustainable Cities”.


The OWHC is extremely proud of this new initiative for which it will pay for the travel and accommodation expenses for one person only per city, who will be mandated to present the project retained by the scientific committee. All in all, the OWHC hopes to bring together during this workshop some twenty participants coming from as may cities that are members in good standing of the Organization.  By the way, you will receive the call for tenders form next October in order to submit an innovative project related to heritage management linked to sustainable development.

The selection process of the host city of the On the Way to Oaxaca workshop is now open. The member cities in good standing of the OWHC that wish to submit their candidacy to host the On the Way to Oaxaca workshop, which will be held in May or June 2013, must acquaint themselves with the call for tenders and send their candidacy file to Mr. Gabriel Lacroix-Dufour, Programs Administrator of the OWHC, at gdufour@ovpm.org before Monday, October 1st, 2012.

To download the call for tenders document as well as the official document, please click here.