16 November 2012

The OWHC at the Closing Event of the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention
The Closing Event of the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention was held in Kyoto, Japan 6-8 November 2012. On that occasion the OWHC had the honor to be mentioned in very positive terms by four of the leading experts in the field of World Heritage in their speeches.
‘’(…) the good impact of organizations such as the Organization of World Heritage Cities in raising awareness.’’
Prof. Christina Cameron
Former Chair of the World Heritage Committee
“A milestone for future decentralized World Heritage work was the recognition of the Nordic World Heritage Foundation as UNESCO Category 2 Centre. Furthermore, the creation of the Organization of World Heritage Cities thanks to Canada/Quebec.”
Prof. Bernd von Droste
Former UNESCO Assistant Director-General
Founding Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
“Creation and development of networks such as the Organization of the World Heritage Cities (…) are bringing partnerships, knowledge ad cooperation needed in the implementation of the Convention”
Dr. Mounir Bouchenaki
Former Director-General of ICCROM
Former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture
Moreover, during a panel discussion Dr. Francesco Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture and Former Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, also referred to the contribution of the OWHC to the field of heritage.
The OWHC thanks these world respected leaders in the field of heritage for acknowledging the role that the Organization has played and its future involvement, and expresses its heartfelt appreciation to all those who through their dedicated work have made the OWHC what it is today.