26 November 2012

”My City, Our World Heritage” – International Video Production Competition

November 26, 2012. – Invite young people of your city to make the competition known to the whole world, by registering in the International Video Production Competition called My City, Our World Heritage, overseen by the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC).

This competition invites your people aged between 14 and 17 years and 18 and 21 years to produce a video of 5 minutes or less, expressing their vision of the world heritage city in which they live and to broadcast it on YouTube. At stake: one prize of $500 US and one prize of $1,000 US awarded by a representative of the OWHC in the world heritage cities that won the competition. The award-winning videos will also presented at the 12th World Congress of the OWHC that will be held in Oaxaca, Mexico, from November 19 to 22, 2013. The mayors of the winning cities will be honoured on that occasion. In addition, all of the winning videos will be broadcast on the Web Site of the OWHC, thus ensuring a great exposure for your city, regardless of the income of the competition.

The terms and conditions of the competition are simple and flexible. You will find more information by consulting the Web Site of the OWHC at: http://www.ovpm.org/en/my_city_our_world_heritage_international_video_production_competition. Do not delay as your city must be registered and the videos must be produced before the end of June 2013. Also, use the promotional materials that the OWHC has designed for your convenience! The official poster and an advertising banner are available on our Web Site. 

For further information, please contact cemond@ovpm.org.