17 January 2013
International Conference on Contemporary Architecture in Historic Settings – Sevilla (Spain), postponed to a further date

This event is postpened to a further date, due to a strike in Spanish aiports announced for the same period in March, which would heavily disrupt the venue.
Organized by the City of Sevilla as a contribution to the UNESCO Recommendation on historic urban landscapes, the purpose of the conference is to shed more light on concepts, instruments, tools and criteria on historic cities management in a dynamic process.
The conference brings together international specialists of the arts and the vision, of landscapes, of urban morphologies and economics and of heritage management. Together they will address the important issue of the insertion of contemporary elements in historic cities through an analysis of the new heritage concepts and their adaptability to historic cities, the relation between landscape and time, architecture, forms and functions, urban economics, morphologies and decision making processes. Particular attention will be given to identifying tools and instruments that could contribute to improving decision-making in the management of historic cities.
The World Heritage Centre of UNESCO, ICOMOS and The World Heritage Cities Organization support this conference.
This is an open conference to practitioners, academics, researcher and students and all wishing to attend. Practical information on hotels, transportation and location of the conference will be posted soon.
For more information, email to:
Alegría Cardesa Cabrera acardesa@sevilla.org