25 July 2013
‘’My City, our World Heritage’’ – participating cities revealed

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is proud to announce and to thank the following cities for their participation into the international video production competition ‘’My City, our World Heritage’’:
- Angra do Heroismo (Portugal);
- Aranjuez (Spain);
- Arequipa (Peru);
- Banska Stiavnica (Slovaquia);
- Bordeaux (France);
- Dubrovnik (Croatia);
- Evora (Portugal);
- Kotor (Montenegro);
- Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
- Puebla (Mexico);
- Quito (Ecuador);
- Quebec (Canada);
- Valparaiso (Chile);
- Warsaw (Poland).
A total of 14 cities submitted a total of 18 projects.
These 18 projects are divided into two categories:
- 10 cities participated into the 14-17 years old category;
- 8 cities participated into the 12-21 years old category.
The international jury that has to evaluate every candidacy will begin during the month of August.
The results will be known this fall. All the videos will then be available on the OWHC’s website.