3 February 2014
ICOMOS – Extension for the Call for papers: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values

On behalf of ICOMOS Italy and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of announcing an extension of the deadline for submitting abstracts until 10 February 2014, for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Florence, Italy, on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 10 to 14 November 2014, on the theme : “ Heritage and Landscape as Human Values”.
Download the call for papers
Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2014
For more information on the 18th General Assembly
For further information:
• Symposium Scientific Secretariat and address for sending abstracts: GA2014-Symposium@icomos.org
• General enquiries about the 18th General Assembly: 18ICOMOS2014@gmail.com