16 May 2014

10th Internet Contest “Surfing round the South Europe Mediterranean world heritage cities” 2014

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10th Internet Contest “Surfing round the South Europe Mediterranean world heritage cities” 2014

The contest is being organized within the framework of the 2014 Action Plan drawn up by the Southern Europe and Mediterranean Regional Secretariat of the OWHC, according to the agreement (SRESM/OCPM 04/2013) adopted in the 13th Regional Conference which was celebrated on November 22th, 2013, in Oaxaca (México).

The contest tries to spread the work of the Organization World Heritage Cities (OWHC) and, specially, the wealth of the South Europe Mediterranean World Heritage Citiesto the European citizen. The contest also shows why these cities have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

The contest is open to everyone of age from any nationality and place of residence.  The entrants have to complete a memory play (the traditional Memory) which consists of finding the pair of cards with the same city. The entrant can do the number of tries he or she needed without taking into account the number display by the informatics system. The entrant has to click on two cards that he or she thought that they have the same city. If the cards are different, they would hide again, so it is necessary to memorize in which position these cards are.  When all the pairs of cards are found, a form appears in order to fill in. A number is automatically assigned by the informatics system.

During the raffle, a number will be taken out and the person who has this number will be the winner which will get a cash prize of 1200 Euros (prize without the convenient taxes). The contest will end on August 31st, 2014, at midnight.

Information and requests related to the contest shall be sent to the following email address: [email protected]


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