25 February 2015

World Heritage Advisory Board in new constitution

Stralsund, Germany

In the presence of the mayor, the constitutional convention of the World Heritage Advisory Board took place on February 18th in the town hall of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund. Following the new election of the city council in 2014, a new appointment of the boards members became necessary.

The board counts the following 15 members: Dr. Harald Benke, Peter Boie, Burkhardt Eriksson, Dagmar Fromme, Prof. Klaus Henning, Frank Hoffmann, Christine Kieschnick, Dr. Ingrid Kluge, Christoph Lehnert, Peter Paul, Bernd Röll, Friederike Thomas, Dr. Gerd Franz Triebenecker, Carsten Zillich and Rolf-Peter Zimmer.

“The World Heritage Advisory Board provides assistance to the towns administration since 2003, and advises the formerly mentioned and the city council on all the tasks connected to the World Heritage status”, said Dr.-Ing. Alexander Badrow during the meeting. Besides protection and preservation of the World Heritage Site, the board considers the spread of the World Heritage idea, the exploration of the World Heritage and the promotion of communication and collaboration of everyone, who feels committed to the World Heritage, an important task. Especially the mediation of the World Heritage values to young people is a concern of the members.

Prof. Klaus Henning was elected as chairman of the World Heritage Advisory Board. Dr. Gerd Franz Triebenecker became his vice chairman. The board chose the director of the Museum of Cultural History, Dr. Andreas Grüger, to be responsible for cross-disciplinary exchange. The administrative office of the board is located at the World Heritage Management of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund.

Photo: Steffi Behrendt
The mayor of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund, Dr.-Ing. Alexander Badrow, congratulates Prof. Klaus Henning on his election as chairman of the World Heritage Advisory Board.