13 April 2015

The COMUS project (Community-led Urban Strategies in Historic Towns), started in January 2015 as a joint programme of European Union and Council of Europe, with support of the OWHC Regional Secretariat for North-West Europe, seeks a counselor as lead expert for further implementation of the COMUS process.
Please find information on COMUS on the official webpage http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/cooperation/comus/ and details about the expert position under the call http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/cooperation/comus/COMUS-LeadExpertcall-interest070415.pdf
Are you an expert and interested in the position? Do you know anyone who could fit the requirements and is interested in taking the lead expert role for COMUS? Applications are to be handed in until April 24th as indicated to comus@coe.int