15 July 2015
39th Session of the World Heritage Committee held in Bonn, Germany

During the 39th Session of the World Heritage Committee held in Bonn, Germany from 28 June to 8 July 2015, 24 cultural sites and 1 mixed site were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in addition to the extension of 2 natural sites and 1 cultural site.
The OWHC is very pleased that 10 of the inscribed cultural sites represent urban ensembles or properties within an urban context. The cities with the sites which were inscribed within their territories are:
- Kolding, Denmark –Christiansfeld, a Moravian Settlement
- Hamburg, Germany – Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District with Chilehaus
- Notodden, Norway – Rjukan – Notodden Industrial Heritage Site
- Vinje, Norway – Rjukan – Notodden Industrial Heritage Site
- Tinn, Norway – Rjukan – Notodden Industrial Heritage Site
- Singapore – Singapore Botanic Gardens
- Selçuk, Turkey – Ephesus
- Diyarbakir, Turkey – Diyarbakir Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape
- San Antonio, Texas, USA – San Antonio Missions
- Rio Negro, Uruguay – Fray Bentos Cultural-Industrial Landscape
The OWHC congratulates these cities for this distinction and looks forward to a fruitful cooperation with them.