22 July 2015
A Side Event organized by the OWHC at the 39th Session of the World Heritage Committee Bonn, Germany

Cooperation for Resilient World Heritage Cities:
A Side Event organized by the OWHC at the
39th Session of the World Heritage Committee
Bonn, Germany
In view of the increasing number of catastrophes – natural and human-induced – that have been affecting cultural heritage around the world, it is ever more important that cities strive for effective disaster prevention and response measures. For this reason the OWHC will have as its theme “World Heritage Cities, Resilient Cities” at its World Congress to be held in Arequipa, Peru, 3-6 November 2015.
As a precursor to the World Congress, the OWHC organized on 3 July 2015, in the course of the 39th Session of the World Heritage Committee that took place in Bonn, Germany, 28 June – 8 July 2015, a Side Event entitled “Cooperation for Resilient World Heritage Cities, UNESCO – UNISDR – ICCROM- ICOMOS –OWHC”. By hosting a panel of experts in this field, the event addressed issues revolving around cultural heritage, its protection and its role in building resilient urban communities. Those participating in the panel were:
Denis Ricard
Secretary General of the OWHC
Michael Turner
Chargé de mission to the Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre
UNESCO Chair in Urban Design and Conservation Studies,
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Giovanni Boccardi
Chief of Unit
Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit
Culture Sector, UNESCO
Jerry Velasquez
Chief, Advocacy and Outreach Section
Chief, Making Cities Resilient Program
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
Joe King
Unit Director, Sites Unit
Matthias Ripp
World Heritage Coordinator of the Planning and Building Division
OWHC Regional Coordinator, North West Europe Regional Secretariat
Regensburg, Germany
The success of the event can be measured in the large number of persons in attendance, the interest shown through the many questions and observations from the audience as well as the positive comments expressed in the days after. The OWHC expresses its great appreciation to the members of the panel to whom may be attributed the successful outcome of the event.