22 September 2015

Film Project of the OWHC – Now online!

The Regional Secretariat Northwest-Europe is proud to present the newly finished OWHC promotional film. The project started under the OWHC “Loyalty Reward Programme”. It was developed on a modular concept so that it would be applicable for more than only one secretariat. Therefore we will present the film at the Arequipa World Congress and hope to find more regional secretariats who want to take advantage of the concept and already done work.

Find the link to the Youtube channel of the OWHC or select the VIMEO presentation.

Target group of the movie is mainly the younger, internet-addicted audience which loves to take selfies and share experiences online. Learn about the importance of heritage and how the OWHC preserves the special values of our cities.

Thank you for linking to your channels or websites and commenting on our movie. We hope you like it!