16 November 2015
Cordoba, Spain – The winner of the 4th Edition of the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage
Cordoba, Spain

Congratulations to the city of Cordoba, Spain, for its project:
winner of the Jean-Paul L’Alllier Prize for Heritage, 2015 edition.
The mayor of Cordoba, Excma. Sra. Isabel Ambrosio Palos, was awarded a certificate of honour by the vice-president of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Mr. Jorge Castro Munoz, mayor of the city of Valparaiso (Chile), during a ceremony organized at the 13th World Congress of the OWHC, which was held in Arequipa, Peru.
In order to highlight the presentation of this award, architect Rosa Lara, who is at the origin of the project, made a presentation that you can view by clicking HERE
As for the three preceding editions, an international jury examined the candidacies. Jury members were:
- Ms. Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonía from Athens, Greece, president of the International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH), ICOMOS
- Mr. Samir Abdulac, vice-president of the International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH), and member of ICOMOS-France
- Ms. Kerstin Manz, World Heritage consultant
- Ms. Régina Wiala-Zimm, chief executive, International Relations of the city of Vienna, Austria
- Mr. Bruno Delas, project manager – “Historic Site of Lyon” Mission, city council of Lyon, France
- Mr. Denis Ricard, secretary general of the OWHC
The city of Cordoba distinguished itself by an outstanding project for its tangible impact on the local population, its methodology, its solutions applicable to other World Heritage Cities, and its respect of international standards for heritage. The jury was particularly sensitive to the intelligent reuse of the historic path of the major axis that was restored. It is because of the intimate knowledge of its past that Conde Cruz street is now a leading tourist destination and a commercial district in the lives of the Cordoba residents.
Seven finalists, two of whom from the same city, were evaluated on technical criteria, on the content and relevance. The five other candidate cities were: Baeza, Spain, Banska Stiavnika, Czech Republic, Mexico, Mexico, Safranbolu, Turkey and Sintra, Portugal.
The Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize was created in honour of the founding president of the OWHC, Mr. Jean-Paul L’Allier, mayor of Québec from 1989 to 2005. Sincere thanks to Mr. Serge Martin who contributed financially to the realization of the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage.
Congratulations to the city of Cordoba and to its mayor, Excma. Sra. Isabel Ambrosio Palos!