15 January 2016

Bamberg has been bearing the UNESCO World Heritage title for more than 22 years now, but a central place where guests and locals alike could gain a deeper insight on World Heritage and Bamberg’s outstanding universal value so far was missing. But this will change: the city government has just agreed to grant the financial budget of 900 000 Euros for the installation of a World Heritage Visitor Center.
Just opposite the historical Old City Hall, there is an area called “Untere Mühlen” where on more than 220 square metres, visitors and especially local kids and young people will be invited to explore the different aspects of World Heritage in Bamberg. The official opening is planned to happen in 2018 on occasion of the 25th anniversary of Bamberg Old Town being awarded with the UNESCO World Heritage title.
photo: The designated area “Untere Mühlen” in old town where the new visitor center will be installed, ©City of Bamberg