29 January 2016
Testimonies received following the passing of Mr. Jean-Paul L’Allier

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), founded by Jean-Paul L’Allier, is seated in Quebec City and has 7 Regional Secretariats around the world. When Jean-Paul L’Allier passed away, we communicated the news to the 268 cities of our network and to all of our partners. From everywhere around the world we continue to receive messages of sympathy that you can read on our website BY CLICKING HERE. Those testimonies reflect well the legacy that Jean-Paul L’Allier left not only in Quebec, but also in the worldwide heritage. Few people can achieve this stature. His memory will remain around the world through the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage. Quebec can be proud of its ex Mayor. Congratulations and thank you, Mr. L’Allier.