4 May 2016
The Secretary General visits Mexico

From April 25 to 28 2016, the Secretary General of the OWHC, Denis Ricard, was invited by the city of Oaxaca to attend several important activities of the city, to meet the leaders of a city today newly member of the OWHC and to launch the new Regional Secretariat of Central America, Caribbean and Mexico.
As part of the Oaxaca Festival, Festival of Heritage cities, several activities were carried out in the city. Mr. Ricard was honored to be named Distinguished Guest of the city of Oaxaca de Juárez.
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He also visited the Library Jean-Paul L’Allier, where a plaque commemorating the visit of the Secretary General has been installed at the entrance of the library.
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In the same location, he gave the study trip scholarship, granted to the Colegio José María Murguia y Galardi as part of our Youth on the Trail of World Heritage program, which will allow some students of the school to visit their twin city; Cordoba (Spain).
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Mr. Ricard had also the opportunity to meet the young international winner in the 14-17 years old category of the Video Production Competition edition 2015, Gabriel Alejandro Sánchez Martínez.
The city of Cuernavaca (Mexico), having expressed interest in being part of the community members of the OWHC, took advantage of the passing of Mr. Ricard in Mexico to invite him to know their city. He was able to visit the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, monument recognized by the UNESCO among the Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl, inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage in 1994.
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The Secretary General had the honor to meet with the mayor of Cuernavaca, Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, gave an interview to a radio show and met with academics from the University Lucas Paccioli. The OWHC welcomes Cuernavaca among its members!
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Near Cuernavaca is also located the small town of Tepoztlán, which also has a monastery among the group of monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl, which Mr. Ricard visited after his departure from Cuernavaca.
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