2 November 2016
Contribution of the OWHC in Habitat III

As part of the Habitat III Conference that was held in Quito (Ecuador) from October 17 to 20, 2016, the UNESCO presented its Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development entitled Culture: Urban Future.
The OWHC was one of these Report’s contributors, by offering its perspective in Chapter 6 on sustainable, resilient and green cities, under the heading Resilient World Heritage Cities and their communities.
This more than 300 pages report proposes a reflection on managing change in cities with culture as a lever for development. For the first time, the Report explores the role of culture for sustainable urban development. It analyses the situation, trends, threats and existing opportunities in different regional contexts, and presents a global picture of tangible and intangible urban heritage conservation and safeguarding, along with the promotion of cultural and creative industries as a basis for sustainable urban development.
You can download the summary of this report by clicking HERE and you can read the full report, available HERE.