27 September 2017

“A Walk” – Mrs. Blagovesta Tsoneva wins 2017 OWHC Photo Competition in Regensburg

Regensburg, Germany

The Regional Secretariat Northwest Europe of the OWHC (Organization of World Heritage Cities) called on its member cities to participate in a photo competition under the title “Young Heritage”. The motto invited to show that supposedly historical monuments, old buildings, protected heritage sites – our World Heritage Cities – contain a lot of young life, that old and young goes together well. Pictures are supposed to show e.g. favourite places, unique architecture, the interaction between history and presence. Especially young people have been addressed to deal with their World Heritage and the unique charm of their historical city.


We congratulate Mrs. Blagovesta Tsoneva from Regensburg, showing her individual perspective on the World Heritage site of Regensburg.