27 October 2017

International winning picture OWHC Photo Competition 2017 “Young Heritage” of the Nortwest Europe and North America Region

Regensburg, Germany

Mr. Marcos Falcone from Berlin wins the international OWHC Photo Competition 2017 of the Northwest Europe and North America Region.

With the title “Past and Present” Mr. Falcone picture shows a part of Berlins history and his perspective that young and old can go well together, it has a unique charm and intense feeling in a big city like Berlin. It is not even a whole building, only few remains of that buildings wall, shows the slow decline while in the back new developments are taking over. The contrast of both objects has been kept perfectly good in that picture.

We want to thank all participants for their efforts and dedication and for taking part in the photo competition 2017.

We congratulate Mr. Falcone and are looking forward to present the picture in the upcoming 14th World Congress of the OWHC in Gyeongju/Republic of South Korea.