10 December 2018

Young hands working on old walls

Stralsund, Germany

Large crowds are gathering in the Stralsund Jugendbauhütte (Youth Mason’s Guild): 25 young people from all over Germany – from Regensburg to Lübeck, from Bonn to Görlitz – met for the weekend in Stralsund Heilgeistkloster. They all complete a Voluntary Social Year in the preservation of monuments at one of the Jugendbauhütten that are sponsored by the German Foundation for the Protection of Historical Monuments.

Now they learned about the Stralsund Youth Project and its benefits in the World Heritage Site of the Hanseatic City.

Full of new impressions about historic buildings, they drove back to their own heritage sites to further develop the networking of successful youth education projects under the motto “Young Hands for Old Walls”.

Copyright of photo: Jugendbauhütte Stralsund

Caption: The participants of the nationwide meeting in front of the entrance of the Heilgeist monastery, in which the Jugendbauhütte Stralsund has its base. Far left Stralsund’s project manager Christian Barth.