2 June 2020

The 2019 Annual Report of the OWHC is now available

The 2019 Annual Report of the OWHC is now available online. It constitutes an essential reference document for discovering all the major events and projects carried out by the Organization and its members during the past year.

The report notably summarises the 15th World Congress of the OWHC, held in Krakow in June 2019. It also presents the various programs organized by the General Secretariat. Furthermore it presents an overview of the wide range of activities undertaken by the OWHC Regional Secretariats.

“It is with great pleasure that I present to you the Annual Report for 2019 of the OWHC. I am convinced that the information provided in this new yearly overview document will be useful to our membership, our partner organizations,and the general public.”

Robert J. Quarles van Ufford
Secretary General

More information

To read and download the Annual Report of the OWHC: Annual Report 2019