3 June 2020

Suzhou holds the cultural heritage expo from May to July

Suzhou, China

Aiming to continuously promote heritage preservation, integration of culture and tourism as well as to stimulate economic growth during COVID-19 pandemic, activity themed “season of Suzhou cultural expo, carnival of heritage city” is held in Suzhou from May to July. Resources of museums, tangible and intangible cultural heritages in Suzhou having been integrated, cultural tourism is a real feast for citizens and visitors.

In “Suzhou cultural journey” opened on 18th May, Suzhou food and sightseeing bus was transformed into a special line for “mobile museums”. Citizen and visitors can not only take a bus tour of museums and exhibitions, but also have a pleasant afternoon tea with delicious unique museum-made food—Tangyin creative tea and cookies of olive-green lotus-flower-shaped bowl. Suzhou Museum and Suzhou Silk Museum also conducted night theme activities where audiences feel like travelling back to ancient Suzhou and enjoy leisurely and elegant lifestyle of Suzhou. In the spirit of “5.18 International Museum Day”, more than 10 museums reopened in Suzhou launched various exciting online and offline activities, showing unique charms of “Muse-Suzhou”.

Through two-month’s theme activities, Suzhou intends to boost confidence among OWHC members with actions and hopes that more and more World heritage cities will defeat the COVID-19 pandemic soon.