19 May 2021

Québec World Congress – Dates in 2022 confirmed

Quebec, Canada


In March, it was decided to postpone the dates for Québec’s World Congress from September 2021 to September 2022. The continued consequences of the pandemic and most of all the difficulties to plan activities in these uncertain times have guided this decision.

However, the OWHC and host city are already working together to prepare a dynamic and tailor-made congress for the member cities. Mark your calendars! It is now confirmed that the XVI World Congress will be held from 6 to 9 September 2022.

It was also decided to hold a virtual General Assembly on 9 September 2021, in order to settle the question of the election of the next Secretary General as well as any other customary administrative issues. But that is not all! The OWHC has decided to hold during the event an Award Ceremony to announce the winning city of the 2021 edition of the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage and the 2 young winners of the International Video Production Competition.

An invitation for the 2021 General Assembly will be sent to all members this summer.

Consult the page of the Québec World Congress for more information about the event:

Québec World Congress