20 April 2022

Successful completion of the “On the Road to Québec” thematic workshops

Quebec, Canada

The 15 thematic workshops held as part of “On the Road to Québec” between March 14 and April 1st brought together 133 managers and heritage experts of 42 OWHC member cities from 25 different countries all around the globe.

9 Lead experts and 24 moderators and rapporteurs collaborated with the OWHC General Secretariat addressing 5 main themes: the transformation of public spaces, the enhancement of residential spaces, the evolution of mobility, the adaptability of built heritage and the affirmation of a new governance.

The workshops highlighted not only the actions and initiatives that are currently being implemented in OWHC member cities but also their needs and challenges. Participants also addressed potential overall strategies that can contribute both to the conservation and the urban and economic development of their World Heritage Cities.

The thematic step of “On the Road to Quebec” will be completed with the dissemination of a synthesis of the outcomes of the 15 thematic workshops. The transversal “strategic axes” that will emerge from the synthesis will give way to the second step of the process targeting to identify priority operational objectives, which will take the form of inclusive written consultations to be forwarded to all member cities at the beginning of May.

More about the 16th World Congress