15 December 2023
Philadelphia unveils new public SDG mural
Philadelphia, United States

End of November, Global Philadelphia Association presented another United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) with the unveiling of a new public art mural by young local artist, Faysal Adger, celebrating SDG#8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. The mural unveiling was sponsored by Teachers&, an organization that exists to address the growing educational challenges of a rapidly evolving employment landscape, and artistically portrays the promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
GPA’s Sustainable Goals Campaign in Philadelphia is designed to bring awareness to the importance of the 17 development goals, through a series of public artwork distributed across the city, encouraging a broad commitment to their effectuation, both locally and on a global scale.
Together with Sheila Hess, representative of the City of Philadelphia, GPA president Zabeth Teelucksingh was proud to continue this valuable project to foster awareness for heritage and sustainablitiy.