6 February 2025
Collaborate on Roadmap activities and help shape the OWHC’s New Urban Project!

Following last week’s launch of the Accelerator, developed in partnership with CHiFA, it’s now time for Quebec Roadmap activities to gather momentum. These activities include :
- Collaborative networks, which provide a forum for exchange and co-construction between member cities;
- The Community of Practice, which brings together the players involved in the Collaborative Networks to develop their results and strengthen their operational dimension;
- The strategic axes and issues that structure this work.
More concretely, this means…
At least six (6) Collaborative Networks that began their work in 2023 and 2024 will continue their activities in 2025, and over the next few months, new Collaborative Networks will also be formed. Follow our next communications for all the details and to join these participative initiatives!
We’d like to take this opportunity to announce that the first meeting of the Community of Practice will be held on March 13 and 14, 2025 in Évora (Portugal). This event will be an opportunity to put into perspective the statements and Courses of action identified in the Collaborative Networks and discussed at the Symposium on the Habitability of Historic Centers (Cordoba, September 24-27, 2024), in order to feed into the design of the Cordoba Path.
To learn all about the activities related to the Roadmap, consult the following document, highlighting the objectives and structuring actions that will guide our joint efforts until the 18ᵉ OWHC World Congress in Marrakech in 2026.
Roadmap document
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Leticia Sanches (lsanches@ovpm.org) or Émilie Gourbin (egourbin@ovpm.org)