On 15-18 October in Lijiang (China), the city of the World Heritage, it was held II International Conference of Euro-Asia World Heritage Cities. Decision on its holding in Lijiang was taken at the I International conference in the city of Kazan in June 2004. Conference is held every 2 years and is called to bring together experts, in the field of preservation and use of historic cities of Eurasia and, in particular, those cities included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, mayors of these cities, state and municipal staff for discussing different subjects and experience exchange.
Preparation for the II International Conference was carried out by the secretariat of Euro-Asia section of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, located in Kazan and International Department of Municipality of the city of Lijiang.
Conference was included in the list of events, holding in the framework of the Year of Russia in China, and was conducted under the aegis of UNESCO, at support of the World travel organization. (more information >>)
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