1 June 2007

Youth Hostels Network in World Heritage Cities

The Sultan Youth Hostel of Istanbul joined the programme "Youth Hostels, a Passport for World Heritage Cities". The network counts now 26 participating hostels in the most beautiful cities around the world.

The residents of a OWHC member city can avail themselves of a free overnight stay (a 2nd free night for groups of 10+ and a 3rd one for individuals) in addition to benefitting from heritage discovery activities.

Furthermore, the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, announced that the UN organization was associating with the program. We are proud to count UNESCO among our partners.

For further information, please visit the OWHC relevant page or the Hostelling International one.

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  Some members of the rowing club RCNSM of Namur in Belgium take a look at the Rhône river before taking part in a competition. They benefited from an additional overnight stay at no cost at the Lyon Youth Hostel.