27 June 2012

International Historic Towns Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia October 4 – 5, 2012

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Delivering Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Historic Towns


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On 4 and 5 October 2012, the stunning World Heritage city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, will provide an inspirational setting for delegates from across Europe to come together and discuss at first hand the challenges and opportunities currently facing historic cities at an international conference on Delivering Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Historic Towns.

Organised by the City of Dubrovnik and Heritage Europe, in partnership with the Croatian Association of Historic Towns, the Turkish Union of Historic Towns and the Council of Europe, this symposium will provide a unique opportunity for key decision makers, academics and practitioners, working in the field of cultural heritage to share views and experiences and help influence and shape future European Policy. The conference theme focuses on the new EU 2020 strategy for 2013-2020, the policy that will determine the way the main European funds are allocated, and a key potential resource for European Historic Towns.

The three priorities of the EU strategy are:

  • smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation,
  • sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy, and
  • inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion.

But can the historic town respond to the key global challenges of the 21st century, and help deliver sustainable growth? This Conference will explore ways in which historic towns can and do contribute to these European priorities and will present the historic city as a model for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth focusing on the knowledge economy, social cohesion and the challenges of climate change. It will:

  • showcase practical examples of successful growth and regeneration strategies in large, medium and small historic settlements;
  • draw on the experience of a number of European projects and partners; and
  • present the work of the European Heritage Alliance in developing a European Cultural Heritage Strategy that demonstrates the economic and social importance of the historic city.

To download the Conference program, please click here.

To download the registration form of the Conference, please click here. Please complete the registration form as soon as possible and send it to Ms. Jelena Mrcela from Gulliver Traval at [email protected].

For more information, please visit the website of the Conference.


Contact for the Conference: Ms. Biserka Simatovic, Senior Advisor for EU Funds, City of Dubrovnik, Department of Entrepreneurship, Tourism and the Sea, Branitelja Dubrovnika 7, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia; tel.: +385 (0)20 638 209; fax: +385 (0)20 351 819; e-mail: [email protected]www.dubrovnik.hr