28 April 2013

From 15 May until 31 July 2013 the OWHC Regional Secretariat Northwest Europe invites all its member cities in good standing and their inhabitants to participate in the creative photo competition “Literally OWHC”. The photos have to depict a characteristic view of the World Heritage City. Additionally the photo must show the initial letters of the OWHC, whereby the 4 letters should be represented in a creative manner and then be physically incorporated in the view of the city. The gag is that the letters shall be made of different materials e.g. of wood, paper, stone, food, textiles etc. The competition is open to individuals or groups of all ages. The participants have to register by using an online form via the internet portal www.ovpm.org/en/literally_owhc from 15 May until 31 July 2013. The winning photo of each member city will be awarded with € 500 and takes part in the final qualifying for the winning photos of all the participating World Heritage Cities. The final winning photo will be presented in all future OWHC publications.