15 April 2014

Valparaiso Fire, Message from the General Secretariat

Valparaíso, Chile

Jorge Castro Muñoz, Mayor of Valparaiso


Mr. Mayor,

Dear friend,

It was with great dismay and deep sadness that we learned of the terrible fire that has ravaged your city.

Beyond the enormous material destruction, there is of course the loss of life that, unfortunately, even time cannot bring back.

Having had the chance to see Valparaiso again a little over a month ago, I am not able to imagine the devastation caused by this tragedy.

Please know that our thoughts are with you and with all those affected by this unprecedented disaster.

On behalf of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, so proud to count Valparaiso among its members, receive Mr. Mayor our sympathy and heartfelt wishes of courage to you and your fellow citizens.


Denis Ricard, Secretary General