28 April 2015

11th Internet Contest “Surfing round the South Europe Mediterranean world heritage cities” 2015

The 11th Internet Contest “Surfing round the South Europe Mediterranean World Heritage Cities” 2015, is being organized within the framework of the 2015 Action Plan drawn up by the Southern Europe and Mediterranean Region Secretariat of the OWHC, according to the agreement (RESM/OWHC 04/2014) adopted in the 14th Regional Conference which was held on November 26th, 2014, in Cordoba (Spain).

The goal of the contest is to spread the work of the Organization World Heritage Cities (OWHC) and, specially, the wealth of the Southern Europe and Mediterranean World Heritage Cities to the European citizen. The contest also shows why these cities have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. 

The contest is a memory game which consists of finding the pair of cards with the same city of the Regional Secretariat on it. The entrant can do the number of tries he or she needed and the informatics system saves them.

The entrant has to click on two cards that he or she thought that they have the same city. If the cards were different, they would hide again, so it is necessary to memorize in which position these cards are.

If the entrant found a pair of cards with the same city, they would remain exposed and he or she would add a right answer. When the cards are exposed, the information of the respective city (“name of the registered sector” and “Year in which the city was included in the Heritage World list”) and the number of tries and right answers appear on the top. It is important for the player to know that neither the number of failures nor the time spent is taken into account. 

If the entrant left the game, the cards would be mixed up again and their position changed. When all the pairs of cards are found, a form appears in order to be filled in. A number is automatically assigned by the informatics system. Each entrant can only participate in the raffle once.

Every form which have been received within the term and completed correctly will take part in the raffle on September, 2015, in the Cordoba Town Hall. There is one prize of the amount of 1,200 euros (less applicable taxes).


Information and requests related to the contest shall be sent to the following email address: [email protected]  indicating in the subject title “11th Internet Contest” and including the name and surname, the Identity Card or Passport number and the email address.

The link is: http://www.ciudadespatrimonio.eu/memory/


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