29 April 2015

Passing of Ron Van Oers

It was with profound sadness that we learned of the passing of Ron Van Oers on 28 April 2015.  

We at the OWHC had developed a close relationship with Ron as head of the World Heritage Cities Programme as well as the driving force behind the development of new guidelines for urban conservation, resulting in the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011). Ron represented UNESCO at our World Congresses in Cusco, Peru (2005) and in Quito, Ecuador (2009) sharing with our members his knowledge and rich experience and  informing us of  the movement at the time to reassess the principles of urban conservation. By including the OWHC in the meetings on the Historic Urban Landscape, Ron kept us abreast of the evolution of thought on this concept so crucial to our member cities. Ron’s last participation in an OWHC activity was at our Regional Conference in Kazan, Russian Federation in 2012. We will always remember the passion with which he spoke to us about the application of the HUL Recommendation and will keep the image of his warm smile and enthusiasm.  We offer our deepest condolences to his family and share the grief of all in the World Heritage community for the loss of a true friend.