11 November 2015

2nd Meeting of the OWHC ad hoc Advisory Committee in Brussels (Belgium)

Following a resolution taken at the Board of Directors held in Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay) last January, an OWHC ad hoc Advisory Committee was created.

The second meeting of this committee took place in Brussels (Belgium) on September 23, 2015. It was held in the Brussels City Hall and we wish to thank the Burgomaster of Brussels, Mr. Yvan Mayeur, the Deputy Mayor for Urbanism and Heritage, Mr. Geoffroy Coomans de Brachène, as well as the Chief of Staff of the Deputy Mayor for Urbanism and Heritage, Mr. Michaël Goetynck, for their hospitality and impeccable organization of the meeting.

The goal of this committee is to reflect on the future of the OWHC, the central topic that the committee talked about during the reunion is an OWHC Development Plan for 2015-2020. Here are the words of the Deputy Mayor Mr. Coomans de Brachène about that: “I was particularly happy to be able to host part of the OWHC managers during this fruitful work meeting which allowed us to set the basis for a modernization of our organization.”

A report of this meeting will be presented to the Board of Directors that will be held in Arequipa on November 3, as part as the XIII World Congress of the OWHC.