24 February 2017
First OWHC Training Course was a success!
The first OWHC cross-regional training course on the topic of “Heritage Management & Communication” was held from February 20 – 22 in the hosting city of Vienna and a plain success. 13 participants from OWHC member cities of the regional secretariats Northwest-Europe and North America, Southern Europe and Mediterranean and Eastern Europe took part in the workshop sessions. Also Denis Ricard and Lee Minaidis as representatives from the General Secretariat and Matthias Ripp for the organizing region Northwest Europe and North America came to Vienna to share expertise and learn from each other on the important topic: how can I achieve more involvement of my community in the heritage managmenent by using the right communication tools.
Special thanks are going to Regina Wiala-Zimm from Vienna for the excellent organization on site: the venue at the historical Rathaus of Vienna as well as the other locations for small excursions were chosen perfectly!
A compact report of the workshop sessions can be found here.