17 November 2017

Gyeongju 2017 | Results of the General Assembly’s vote

November 17, 2017

The 14th OWHC World Congress held in Gyeongju will be considered a landmark event for the Organization. The high-calibre content of the scientific sessions as well as the perfect organization and excellent selection of the cultural events will long be remembered.

During this World Congress, mayors and official representatives of our member cities voted in order to elect the Host city of the XV World Congress of the OWHC. The organization and its entire network would like to congratulate the city of Krakow (Poland), winner of this democratic exercise!

During the congress, the new OWHC’s Board of Directors was also elected. Congratulations to all the elected cities, and to the new President of the OWHC. 

Here are the winners of this democratic exercise:

Mr. Régis Labeaume
Mayor of Québec (Canada)
President of the OWHC

Mr. José Gabriel do Álamo Meneses
Mayor of Angra do Heroismo (Portugal)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Philippe Close
Mayor of Brussels (Belgium)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Manuel Monteiro de Pina
Mayor of Cidade Velha (Cabo Verde)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Yang-sik Choi
Mayor of Gyeongju (Republic of Korea)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Mauricio Rodas
Mayor of Quito (Ecuador)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Ricardo Villarreal García
Mayor of San Miguel de Allende (Mexico)
Vice-President of the OWHC

Mr. Michael Haüpl
Mayor of Vienna (Austria)
Vice-President of the OWHC