14 March 2019

Retirement of Denis Ricard, Secretary General of the OWHC

The Secretary General, Mr. Denis Ricard, announced at the Board of Directors meeting in Icherisherer (Baku), Azerbaijan, in October 2018, his intent to retire after the 2019 World Congress in Krakow, Poland. At its last meeting in Quebec City, 4-6 March 2019, the Board of Directors determined the job description, criteria and the selection process for the appointment of the new Secretary General. The Notice of Candidacy was sent to all OWHC members and partner institutions on 11 March 2019.

As stated in the OWHC Bylaws, “The Secretary General shall be appointed to hold office at the General Secretariat in Quebec City for an initial four (4) years, at and by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors. The mandate may be renewed at and by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors”.

The new Secretary General will assume his/her responsibilities between October 2019 and January 2020.