22 October 2019

Renewal of the ICOMOS-OWHC Memorandum of Understanding

On the main picture, from left to right: Samir Abdulac, Vice-president of ICOMOS-CIVVIH, Denis Ricard, Secretary General of the OWHC, Toshiyuki Kono, President of ICOMOS and Claus-Peter Echter, President of CIVVIH.


For several years now, ICOMOS and the OWHC have had excellent relations. On the occasion of the ICOMOS 2019 Annual General Assembly, which took place in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Memorandum of Understanding between ICOMOS and the OWHC was renewed.

Denis Ricard, Secretary General of the OWHC and Toshiyuki Kono, President of ICOMOS.

Among other things, the CIVVIH (International Committee of Historic Towns and Villages) will continue its involvement as a jury member for the OWHC Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage and the two organizations will collaborate in the field of tourism.