6 December 2019

Climate Heritage Network (CHN) Launches Plan to Mobilise Arts, Culture and Heritage for Climate Action

The newly formed Climate Heritage Network released its first action plan to help mobilise arts, culture and heritage for climate action at an event held in Madrid at COP25, the 2019 UN Climate Summit.

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), on the initiative of its President and Mayor of Krakow, Mr. Jacek Majchrowski, is proud to figure among the founding signatories of the Climate Heritage Memorandum of Understanding and is willing to take concrete actions to fight the climate crisis.

What is the Climate Heritage Network?

The Climate Heritage Network is a voluntary, mutual support network of local and city, state/provincial and regional, Indigenous Peoples’, and national arts, culture and heritage governmental and quasi-governmental boards, offices, ministries and site management agencies as well as NGOs, universities, businesses and other organizations committed to aiding their communities in tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.  Entities may join at http://climateheritage.org/join/.