1 December 2021

2022 Action Plan and 16th OWHC World Congress

Transitional Action Plan 2021-2022

The OWHC Board of Directors, which met virtually on 30 November 2021, adopted the 2021-2022 Transitional Action Plan proposed by the Secretary General. The year 2022 corresponds to Phase I of a strategy whose implementation will be spread over the next 4 years in order to adjust the Organization to the current challenges and develop its operational capabilities. The objective is to respond better and faster to the needs of the members and ultimately, improve the cooperation with international partners.

Read all about the 2021-2025 Strategy

The changes in methods and programs that will be implemented in 2022 notably include new assistance projects for member cities. Most of the resources, however, will be devoted to the 16th OWHC World Congress (see below). In this perspective, a new, closer and complementary relationship will be developed with the Regional Secretariats, and an increased mobilization of experts from member cities will fuel a dynamic of exchange, cooperation and innovation.

The General Secretariat encourages member cities to support this new impetus, to participate in its construction and to contribute to the implementation of projects, in particular with the preparation of the World Congress.

Consult the Action Plan 2021-2022

16th OWHC World Congress (Quebec, September 6-9, 2022): save the date and join the preparation process!

The General Secretariat, in cooperation with the City of Quebec, host of the Congress, is engaged in the preparation of this major event for the Organization. The revised Congress format received the support and validation of the Board of Directors (see the Action Plan).

The 16th World Congress of the OWHC will focus on participation and interaction between its members. All member cities are invited to participate in actions that will be launched in January 2022 (detailed information will be circulated soon).

The sub-themes of the Congress will be the subject of preparatory workshops “On the Road to Québec”, which will take place from January to June 2022. A broad reflection on the evolution of lifestyles and possible actions to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants will be carried out. The Congress itself will emerge from this process as the key moment and place for the mayors to adopt the “Quebec City Roadmap”, an ambitious program of concrete actions to be implemented in the years to come within the framework of the activities of the OWHC.

In accordance with the support strategy for OWHC members and the tradition of World Congresses organized every two years, the General Secretariat will offer a financial contribution to members participating in the World Congress. The 2022 Loyalty Reward Program will favour member cities in good standing (2020, 2021, 2022 membership fees paid) involved in the preparatory phase of the congress. All information regarding the Loyalty Reward Program will be sent to members when congress registration opens, scheduled for spring 2022.