21 March 2022

A successful first week of thematic workshops!

A week has already passed since the launch of the first stage of “On the road to Québec”: the thematic workshops. This first week of exchanges brought together managers of member cities and heritage experts around five themes: the transformation of public spaces, the enhancement of residential spaces, the evolution of mobility, the adaptability of built heritage and the affirmation of a new governance.

Each workshop brought together an average of ten participants, for a total of 44 participants involved during the first week, not to mention the 11 experts who contributed to the elaboration of the reference texts, the moderation, and the reports.

This is thus how this thematic reflection process began, which will contribute to the identification of the main orientations surrounding each theme and allow the experts to extract the strategic axes that will feed a second series of reflections: the strategic reflections. The thematic workshops are certainly rich in content, which will gradually feed the “New Urban Project” to come of the OWHC. We are pleased with the participation and commitment of each of the participants.

For the next 2 weeks, 132 participants have registered for the workshops, and we will benefit from the collaboration of 13 other experts. Stay tuned, the next steps following the workshops will be announced in early April.