18 April 2023


First thematic Round Table of the Québec Roadmap

Event location

Online Zoom meeting (link below)


18 April 2023 9:00 (GMT-04:00)


Québec Roadmap


The General Secretariat of the OWHC invites all representatives of member cities to join Mr. Mato Frankovic, Mayor of Dubrovnik, and Ms. Mélissa Coulombe-Leduc, Municipal Councillor of Québec, for the presentation of their Priority Thematics as part of the first step of the Québec Roadmap. Participating cities will also have the opportunity to manifest their interest to form the first Collaborative Networks

The Round Table will last a maximum of 45 minutes and will be held virtually on 18 April 2023, at 9 a.m. EST/3 p.m. CET. The Agenda will adhere to the following structure:

  • Welcome regards by OWHC Deputy Secretary General Ms. Andréanne Charest.
  • Introduction by the OWHC Secretary General, Mr. Mikhaël De Thyse.
  • Presentation of the Priority Thematic by the Mayor of Dubrovnik, Mr. Mato Frankovic.
  • Presentation of the Priority Thematic by the Municipal Councillor of Québec, Ms. Mélissa Coulombe Leduc.
  • Expression of interest to be part of the first Collaborative Networks via the meeting chat.
  • Conclusion by the OWHC Secretary General, Mr. Mikhaël De Thyse.

A Collaborative Network brings together cities sharing common interests for one Priority Thematic. Cities involved will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, expertise, and experiences which will eventually lead to the design and implementation of Pilot Projects.

The series of Round Tables will be organized on a monthly basis, in order to feed the Roadmap process and create new networks every once in a while.

Please note that simultaneous interpretation will be offered in the three working languages of the OWHC: English, French, and Spanish.

On 18 of April, you may join the meeting via the following link: https://americainterpretation.zoom.us/j/84409071551?pwd=UjJFSmRRcVU4NjdaTnVVaTlSa29IZz09

You may consult all relevant information and working documents regarding the Québec Roadmap on our website, and do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any further questions regarding the first Round Table.

Québec Roadmap

BE PART of the Québec Roadmap!

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