In November 2010, another stage of the revitalisation of Zamość Old Town was completed.
The objective of the project was the revitalisation of the Wodny Market and the Solny Market, including Jaroszewicza Square and the adjacent Pereca and Zamenhofa Streets as well as redevelopment of Solna and Ratuszowa Streets and repair of the front elevation of the Town Hall, its tower and stairway.
The Wodny Market from the air
The Wodny Market at night
The Solny Market from the air
The Solny Market at night
In addition, a monitoring system was installed in the Wodny Market and in the back yard of the Town Hall. Basements of Town Hall outbuildings were made ready for visitors and equipped with a monitoring system.
This project was co-financed by European Union funds.
For more details on this revitalisation project, please downloaod the information document.