My First Book on Cultural Heritage (2019)

Autor: Dr. Kiss Katalin (dir.)
Coautores: Dr. Miron Breznoščák; Kárpáti Sándorné; Mirka Breznoščáková Kulišeková
Con el apoyo de la Organización de las Ciudades del Patrimonio Mundial (OCPM)
Categoría: Descubrir el Patrimonio Mundial
Año: 2019
Idioma: inglés
Resumen (solamente en inglés): The pupils of the elementary schools are the future engineers, architects, investors, developers or conservationists and archaeologists, but most of all, they will make the decisions in the future. Anyone can be involved in decisions, even the inhabitants of a village. Our workshop’s aim is to show the children how sensitive questions can arise concerning heritage, and we hope it will help them understand their responsibility when they grow up. The sense of responsibility is very important because our immediate and broader environment’s future is based on such decisions. The aim is complex; the mastering of the material related to cultural heritage is complemented by our moral contribution, world view, and how we see our future.