Photo Essay 1 (2016)

Autor: Secretaría Regional Asia-Pacífico de la OCPM (OWHC-AP)
Categoría: Descubrir el Patrimonio Mundial
Año: 2016
Idioma: inglés
Resumen (solamente en inglés): World Heritage Cities are beautiful stages that portray the coexistence of the beginning and end of our lives. On these stages, old time flows into everchanging sunrises and sunsets, and the buildings, bridges, houses, and gardens are engraved with the heartful narratives of those who lived in the past. The stories of people living out their lives in the World Heritage Cities are playing out on the stage every passing day. These stories come to us through the air, the wind, and the sound of the flowing water in the city.
World heritage sites have existed in and have endured the time of the universe, and are still being revalued to this day. World heritage sites are owned by humanity as a whole, and it is our mission to hand down our heritage to the next generation.
World Heritage Sites have become a grand epic written by humankind. What makes them even more beautiful is the meaning embraced between the lines. The photo essay «Tracing Back in Time, We Are Here» whispers with friendliness the fragmentary thoughts of those living in the great stories. This essay, published through the talent donation of artists from the International Photo Competition in collaboration with the member cities of the OWHC, tells us that while many cities are scattered, they are in fact linked by a single universal value.
We hope that this essay will bring peace-giving moments in hearts to all who live in, travel to, and love World Heritage Cities. Furthermore, it is our wish that it will serve as a beautiful map for those unaware of the World Heritage Cities as they travel to the unfamiliar cities.
This book is made with the donation of journals by World Heritage Cities of the Asia-Pacific Region and prize-winning photography of the OWHC-AP International Photograph Competition.