31 août 2010

11e édition du Festival international de film documentaire Golden Saffron à Safranbolu

Safranbolu, Turquie

Texte en anglais seulement 

The city of Safranbolu, a member in good standing of the OWHC, makes efforts to protect its historical and cultural environment since its inscription on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1994. One of these efforts is the organization of the International Golden Saffron Documentary Film Festival.

The purpose of the International Festival is to protect the cultural values and carry these values located in Safranbolu and Turkey to next generations as heritage. Indeed, the International Golden Saffron Documentary Film Festival advertises historical values of Safranbolu and Turkey at the national and international levels.

The 11th edition of the Festival will be held in Safranbolu the 24-26 of September 2010. The City of Safranbolu and its Mayor, Dr. Necdet Aksoy, and the OWHC are glad to invite you to take part in this significant international festival.

For more details, please visit the official website of the International Golden Saffron Documentary Film Festival